Friday, November 27, 2015

Drug Update

I'm still on the same old chemo for now. It keeps me stable unless I take the prescribed week off so my doctor is keeping me on it until we can figure out what is next without the normal week off.

She is working on getting me a new drug off-trial. Right now this drug is only available on a trial because it is not yet approved by the FDA. What this really means is that my insurance won't pay for it until it is approved. In these cases if a drug is very promising for a stage 4 patient it is possible to ask the drug company to give it to me for nothing for compassionate use. I can't get on the trial because the trial has a rule that you have to wait 12 months after your first line treatment, which for me isn't until January 1st. My doctor met with the drug representative this past Wednesday and they seem to think that we'll be able to get the drug.

This drug works with your DNA and has specifically shown promise with patients who have the BRCA gene. I have BRCA 2. It will be nice to take a pill instead of going in for infusions. It still has some of the same side effects: fatigue and nausea. The type of drug is a PARP inhibitor and the brand name of the drug is Lynparza, generic name is olaparib. We're not sure how long it will take to get the drug so I might be on chemo for a few more weeks, but we won't take any more weeks off. Hopefully my blood numbers stay good enough.

Also, I'm going to be getting another PET/CT scan next week, which will show us how my lymph nodes are doing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


My current chemo regime is not working. The cancer is stable right after I get the chemo but during the break that is needed as part of this regime my cancer has too much time to grow back. I have been very emotional this week about it. Also, it means that the pain in my sternum is back. Boo!

I go to see my oncologist tomorrow to figure out what is next. Hopefully we can get another treatment going right away because the skin on my nipple is pissed and I'm in pain.

Today I realized that I will get better. There is a drug out there that my cancer will respond to. Hopefully there are many drugs. I know that there is currently no cure but I also know that I am not going to die from this soon. I have been connecting with other women who have stage 4 cancer and I have learned a lot. When one drug stops working on your cancer you move on to the next drug, which I knew already. What I didn't realize is just how many options are out there. I read about a woman who is about to start her 21st drug. Failing my first drug stopped feeling like a big issue.

Even with the increase in pain and thus an increase in pain killers I am full of energy. I'm not sure what wiped me out before. It could have been the radiation or it could be that I have adjusted to the drugs I'm on.

Last week I made it to dance class, but this week I did not. Even though I missed class this week I was able to practice at home. I missed class because I was struggling with dressing the wound on my boob, I was low on stamina and I wasn't medicating enough for my pain.

I figured out that I needed to use a wound dressing instead of gause a week or two ago to cover the wound on my nipple but I still didn't have a great way to keep the dressings on. Tape is uncomfortable. I only had 1 bra that works OK and one that works, but is too tight to be comfortable on my skin mets (breast cancer on my skin) below my boob. I purchased a new very stretchy bra and also realized that one of my bikini tops is very comfortable. I thought that the ties in the back of the bikini would be uncomfortable when I laid down but that wasn't a problem at all. I even wore it to sleep one night and it worked great.

Vanessa gave me a big overstuffed chair and I have created a little reading area in my back room. (I'm not sure what to call this room - 2nd kitchen? mud room?) This room gets a ton of sun so it's a nice place to read or hang out during the day. Marcel is a big fan of the new chair as well.

Melanie trimmed up the back of my hair to keep me from having a mullet.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Well, my chemo this week was a success. I got a private room again because being in the office makes me super emotional right now. I've been happy and bubbly 80-90% of the time outside of the doctor's office but when I get there I tear up when they ask me about anything. I think this has actually worked out in my favor since I keep getting special treatment from it. This week the social worker took some time to talk to me, since my doctor was running behind. I feel so cared for at this clinic.

My nipple is still inflamed and my sternum still hurts, but things feel different I am hoping that it's things breaking down and being cleared out by my system, but who knows. It does feel like there is lymph movement going on. My friend Melanie gave me what is basically a 20 gallon soft sided bucket that I put in my shower to take epsom salt baths and I have used it a couple times this week. It sounds weird but it actually works pretty darn well.

This week I have felt better than I had in weeks. I still needed a lot of down time and I wore myself out on Monday so I was pretty useless on Tuesday. I got some chores done at home and did some socializing, which felt great. I finally stopped by the office and picked up my computer that had sat locked to my desk for 8 weeks. It was fantastic to see some of my coworkers, although I didn't get a chance to see everyone I would have liked to see. I might try to go in again next week. I asked my boss about the process to transition back to work, although I think it will be a few more weeks before it actually happens.

I was able to catch up with a few other people this week as well and went for a very short hike in forest park. Overall, a great week.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Because my last chemo was cancelled I ended up not getting chemo for 2 weeks. The cancelled chemo was right after my normal week off and unfortunately the cancer went crazy in that time. My nipple got sore and raw, the cancer under my breast and on my lumpectomy scar grew and the lymph nodes in my chest became extremely painful. I've had a pretty hard couple of weeks. I have spent most of my time sleeping.

It is really strange to me to be able to see the cancer on my nipple and under my breast. It smells weird and looks terrible but it is useful. I do not need to get a scan to instantly see how I am responding to treatment but it is also hard to have it right in my face to watch and monitor. It is also strange how much my cancer hurts this time around. Last time when I had a large lump in my breast the cancer itself was never painful.

I had chemo last Thursday and hopefully things are getting under control. I am actually looking forward to more chemo this week, which feels weird because in the past I have dreaded it. My doctor said that if my blood counts are off again that I'll get a shot that ups white blood cells rather than miss another session.

This past session I had the delight of having my friend Lisa visit with me AND they happened to put me in a private room due to a shortage of chairs in the main area so we had nice lighting and a private space to have some fantastic conversations. She also helped me navigate generic pain med branding, so I happily have the better generic version of my pain patch.

I have been trying to stop by work to visit with folks there but last week it just wasn't in the cards. Hopefully this week will be better. 

Jonas took me out to see a little live music on Halloween and I enjoyed us dressing up as the black queen from chess. Jonas was king.